Remove dust and other particles, odors, bacteria, and viruses from the air around you.
Removing Pathogens
Pathogens are bacteria, viruses, and molds that can grow anyplace there is moisture for them to populate and replicate. They can become airborne and inhaled where they take up residence in people’s lungs and noses. For example, Legionnaires disease (legionella) can contaminate drinking water in nursing homes, hospitals, schools, decorative hotel water fountains, and the like. Legionella is a version of pneumonia, making it deadly to people with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, cancer patients, or COPD patients. Even running contaminated water from a faucet can lead to lung infection. Another example: cooling towers are great breading grounds for legionella, which can become airborne and get drawn into the air intake of the building and dispersed throughout its inside spaces.
Installing Total Spectrum® air purification units
Systems that cut pollutant levels down to 200 parts per trillion of air beat all other options to produce clean, healthy air that is better than ventilation air.
Total Spectrum® air purification systems require much less energy than that needed to condition ventilation air. Best of all, the Total Spectrum approach ensures good indoor air quality because it does not depend on the quality of outside air.
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Common Problems
Problem: The air contains millions of microorganisms
Think of all the places where germs abound. Daycare centers, schools, doctors’ offices, universities, and assisted-living facilities are among some of the most common. The air we breathe and share with other people contains millions of microorganisms. Harmful bacteria are one-celled organisms so small that if you lined up a thousand of them end to end, they would fit across the end of a pencil eraser. Even smaller viruses are basically capsules that invade the cells in your body. Some fungi can also cause illness.
Solution: The correct equipment, the right filter and correct filtration media.
Today we see pathogens that are mutating to resist antibiotics to the point that we’re running out of treatments. For example, alcohol-infused hand wipes won’t destroy C. Diff bacterium. Bleach is effective but not practical for use on humans, furniture, and carpets. Two sure solutions are ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide. Total Spectrum® air purification systems include ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide, super oxides, ozone, and hydroxyls that destroy the bacteria, viruses, and molds. Recirculating the air in a health facility through a Total Spectrum® air purification unit ensures that there will be no airborne pathogens to make people sick. None of the chemistries created to destroy pathogens ever leaves the Total Spectrum system. Safety is imperative and we do everything to ensure it.