Mobile Industrial-Strength Air Purifier Cleans Air, Destroys Airborne Viruses

Multiple air exchanges per hour and five stages of advanced air purification

ProMark Associates is known for engineering highly effective clean-air solutions for large commercial businesses and buildings worldwide. Their newest clean-air product is the ProGuard® Mobile Air Purifier. Not to be confused with small portable air filters that are better suited to filtering residential-size rooms, this industrial-grade system can remove particles, VOCs, and pathogens. It can deliver six air changes per hour (recommended by the ASHRAE trade group) in a room of up to 1,500 square feet. The Mobile Air Purifier is powerful, quiet and can be easily rolled into place on its casters.

A different approach to making air safe

The ProGuard® Mobile Air Purifier uses a centrifugal fan to circulate air through five stages of protection for an unprecedented attack on airborne viruses, bacteria, mold, and even foul odors. This capability, combined with its 1,200-cfm fan capability, is a key difference with other portable air-filtration systems. Instead of relying exclusively on mechanical air filtration, UV-C light and chemical-media filters are used to kill pathogens and remove odors.

Stage 1 filters incoming air through a 24 x 24 x 2-inch MERV 8 filter, with an antimicrobial coating to enhance contaminant removal.

Stage 2 is a germicidal UV-C light chamber that helps to prevent transmission of viruses and microorganisms and kills pathogens that might otherwise accumulate on filter media. A recent study by Columbia University found that UV-C light can kill 99.9% of the novel coronavirus.

Stage 3 is a 24 x 24 x 4-inch MERV 11 filter with high dust-holding capacity for long life with a low-pressure drop. Combined with the Stage 1 MERV 8, this provides MERV 13 filtration capacity without the high cost of MERV 13 filters. This level of filtration is recommended by ASHRAE to address aerosols carrying COVID-19 and other viruses.

Stage 4 is another attack on pathogens with a 4-inch-thick gas-phase filter made of 100% activated carbon which removes gaseous pollutants untouched by particulate filters.

Stage 5 is a 24 x 24 x 2-inch MERV 8 final filter with ProGuard® 300 potassium permanganate granules to disinfectant air flow and ensure the removal of any remaining gases and pathogens.

The New ProGuard Mobile Air Purifier

Jeff Roseberry, president of ProMark Associates, said, “Until now, the only way to provide such a high level of air filtration has been by means of a custom-designed and built system to be incorporated into a central HVAC unit.” Roseberry added, “While those systems are the gold standard for commercial building air filtration, they require a long lead time to build and match the HVAC system installation. Our Mobile Air Purifier can provide similar airborne pathogen protection with no installation.”

The ProGuard® Mobile Air Purifier is designed for use in almost any commercial space, including schools & universities, healthcare, dentists’ offices, restaurants, commercial offices, senior living, retail, manufacturing, fitness centers and is plug and play. The standard-size filters and UV-C lamps are user replaceable. Required power is 115-127VAC at 330 watts (2.9A). At full capacity, the noise level is a whisper-quiet 22dB. It is constructed of double-wall steel with sound-deadening insulation and easy-roll industrial-grade casters for ease of moving to any location.

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1 in 3 Workers Say Air Quality Updates are Critical to Feeling Safer at Work

It’s no secret that 2020 has upended the traditional workplace while permanently changing worker’s expectations in regard to office safety and air quality of the office environment. With vaccine distribution fueling progress in the right direction, more and more offices are slowly bringing workers back into offices, while trying to mitigate Covid-19 risks through social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines. However, in the minds of workers – is that enough? According to a new poll from Wakefield Research, the answer is likely, no. The poll, taken in late 2020, included over 2,000 employees from workers in the US, Europe, UK and the Middle East and found that many workers are still uneasy of the current state of workplace safety during this phase of the pandemic.

According to key findings from Wakefield Research (highlighted in this blog post by Honeywell) 75% of remote workers said they are especially skeptical about the safety of their worksite. Furthermore, 23% of remote workers in the study would rather look for a new job than return to a work environment that did not implement necessary safety measures.

This information suggests that employers have work to do to ensure their employees are comfortable in an office environment as they transition back to working in an office. While masking and social distance guidelines are basic, low-cost strategies to mitigate virus spread, many workers aren’t satisfied with these practices alone. Additionally, many offices have suggested enhanced cleaning practices by wiping down and sanitizing surfaces, however the study also suggest most employees are turning their concerns to the air.

Referring back to the study, 56% of workers are more concerned about transmission through the air than through contact with surface. Furthermore, 41% believe that buildings with outdated ventilation systems are more dangerous than co-workers not following safety guidelines.

This tells us that to mitigate worker’s concerns with Covid-19 safety in the workplace, employers must address air quality. The study explores this idea further by asking about the necessity of air quality improvements with 31% saying that updates to the air quality systems are critical to feeling safer at work. This provides employers with an opportune moment to invest in sustainable improvements in air quality for their office spaces.

How to address air quality concerns?

Each facility has distinct air purification needs, which is why we recommend speaking to our knowledgeable sales team at to identify the air purification system that is right for the facility. ProMark Associates provides many solutions that disrupt the organic structure of virus molecules, including our Total Spectrum® technology, available as an HVAC upgrade of filtration and as a mobile unit. ProMark Associates provides other solutions including pleated filters with disinfecting capabilities, mobile air-scrubbing units among other effective solutions to improving air quality in commercial spaces.

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ProGuard® Commercial Air Filters – Fighting Airborne Viruses

The current pandemic has thrown a spotlight on the invisible threat of airborne viruses. Pathogens are a hidden threat in every commercial and residential building. While all HVAC systems have some means of filtering air, many of these commercial air filters are most effective against dust and pollens. The risks of airborne pathogens are much greater and therefore require more rigorous air purification solutions. Additional filter technology is required. Highly effective systems are available to purify recirculated air, but they can often be costly and difficult to obtain quickly. At ProMark Associates, we recognize the need for a more immediate solution and we are working hard to make powerful commercial air filtration available, accessible, and affordable!

The Power of Chemical Filtration

There is an answer for this threat to health that is easy to install and cost-effective: ProGuard® Filters. These commercial air filters use potassium permanganate, a safe disinfectant, to trap the large and small molecules in the fibers where the permanganate starts breaking the organic droplets down to CO2 and moisture.

Potassium permanganate is a completely safe disinfectant that has been used for over 100 years. This powerful chemical compound is found in:


-Water Treatment Plants

-Lakes and Rivers

-Much more!

Potassium permanganate has unique, versatile disinfection properties. Additionally, once a commercial air filter is spent, it is completely safe to handle. Pathogens are completely destroyed upon contact. You can dispose of the filter in the regular trash without any extra precautions. ProGuard® Filters are expected to last for 3-6 months in office environments, schools, universities, residences, dentist offices, and other commercial buildings.

ProGuard® Commercial Air Filters Pack a Powerful Punch

With four times the gas-phase media of standard filters, you might expect a drop-off in airflow of your HVAC system. However, this is not the case! ProGuard® Filters provide up to 95% airflow. This ensures that the overall resistance of the system is barely effected. In most cases, ProGuard® Commercial Air Filters are sized to be direct replacements for current filters. As a result, it is simple to keep your facility’s air clean and safe.

ProMark Associates is here to help!

At ProMark Associates, we strive to provide the optimal air purification solutions for your needs. We understand how critical it is to have clean air in your facility amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The team at ProMark Associates is prepared to ship ProGuard® Filters immediately upon request.

Destroy viruses with advanced technology to achieve clean indoor air

The spread of COVID-19 has facilities managers around the globe concerned about the risk of airborne contaminants.  According to the (Centers) Center for Disease Control, the virus can spread through respiratory droplets that travel through the air.  These respiratory droplets can land on others and even be inhaled into the lungs.  Reports of the virus spreading through a standard HVAC system are rising, making it even more critical for facilities to take increased measure to properly filter the air.  Indoor air quality is at the forefront of this pandemic and it is paramount to understand what types of HVAC systems will be effective against COVID-19.  Not just any air filter will get the job done. Common filter systems like HEPA filters, pleated filters, and fiberglass filters are effective against dust, dirt and pollen but do nothing to remove organic viruses and bacteria from the air.

To better understand how a virus can be removed from the air, let us first review what a virus is.  Viruses are made up of a piece of genetic code, such as DNA or RNA, and are protected by a coating of protein. Once an individual becomes infected, viruses invade host cells within the body and replicate, producing more viruses. COVID-19 is a new variant of a novel coronavirus.  But even though it is new, it is still an organic pathogen made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen like all other viruses.

So how can we breakdown these viruses and prevent them from replicating and infecting humans?  

The answer is to disrupt the organic structure.  The virus can be broken down into its basic building blocks: carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.  Once destroyed, the virus is little more than carbon dioxide and moisture in the air.  Various chemical filtration systems exist to carry out this process.  However, ProMark Associates has developed the most robust and thorough system for destroying organic pathogens along with volatile organic compounds.

The Total Spectrum® Solution

Our solution to air purification is a powerful system that employs three phases to destroy organic molecules like COVID-19.  Total Spectrum is an advanced system used in large facilities such as airports, hospitals, office buildings, casinos, restaurants, or any place where there is a risk of airborne contamination.  Total Spectrum first removes dust and debris using particulate filters, adds Dynamic Chemistry® and UV light energy to maximize destruction of viruses like COVID-19 and all VOCs.

Stage 1: Pre-Filtration

During this phase, air flows through the prefilters to remove particulates from the air.  This filter is just the beginning of the process that removes larger debris and materials from the air prior to chemical filtration.


Stage 2:  Dynamic Chemistry® / UV PCO

Next, contaminated air passes through two catalyst screens that are energized by ultraviolet light lamp energy.  The catalyst forms reactive chemistries on its’ surface due to the UV energy that multiplies the intensity of the UV multiple times. As the air comes in contact with a catalyst-coated surface, the organics are broken down to their base components of CO2 and water as moisture. We call this Dynamic Chemistry® because it is constantly generating these chemistries that destroys pathogens and VOCs instantaneously!

Stage 3: Media in Modules

During the final stage, any remaining air pollutants are removed through gas-phase filtration.  The Total Spectrum utilized unique, patented modules.  The innovative design doubles the media capacity which increases surface contact and minimizes air resistance.


The New Standard for Clean Air

Total Spectrum® air purification system sets a new standard for achieving clean indoor air while significantly reducing HVAC energy costs. The three stages of purification unite gas-phase filtration, UV light, and Dynamic Chemistry™ to deliver a sustainable knockout punch: destroying contaminants safely while lowering energy cost. Total Spectrum goes beyond traditional ventilation. The solution purifies indoor air to better than ventilation air so it can be recirculated.

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